OOSA Forum

OOSA Forum

The OOSA Forum is a facilitated members only networking and information event for owners and managers of out of school settings, held termly to allow room for DfE to attend in between. 

They offer a question and answer session, sharing of news and issues from the sector. These are where we can give you more detail about what’s been happening behind the scenes at OOSA and the conversations we are having with Ofsted and DfE as well as supporting you with issues you’re facing. You can ask us anything during these sessions, ask for support or solutions from other members, or challenge us to solve a conundrum! 


We are delighted to announce that will also be hosting some specific OOSA Forum sessions with the DfE team developing the Wraparound Pathfinder policy which is why we have limited our ordinary Forum events to termly for the next year. The DfE team are scheduling these specifically throughout the year so keep checking this page for updates. 

The first DfE & OOSA Forum was a huge success and the presentation that the team shared is available here 

The second DfE & OOSA Forum happened on 26th March 2024 at 1pm on Microsoft Teams. For theose that missed it the presentation slides are available here: Download OOSA Forums Slides or Download OOSA workshop -DfE Wraparound Workforce

 Join us to be in the position of hearing direct from the DfE policy team on all that is happening in this exciting time for our sector. 

We have the fortunate position of representing the sector on a variety of fora, which means that membership unlock information and access to policy makers, national representative groups and Ofsted. Want to hear about it first? Join us 

Department of Education Permanent Secretary Stakeholder Group

As you'll now know, we sit on the Permanent Secretary Stakeholder Group at the Department for Education. This group brings together the most senior civil servants in the DfE and select key partners from across the Education sector. It was formed to discuss covid response and recovery but has proved valuable and will be continuing now that restrictions have been lifted with a broader remit.

Through this stakeholder group, we now have a way of sharing the concerns and perspectives of our members directly with DfE, as well as being able to share with you the messages, development and thinking of DfE that might impact on the sector as early as we know about them. OOSA Forum events are the way in which we will be sharing these updates with you. 

Ofsted Early Years Consultative Forum

The same also can be said with our invitation to sit on Ofsted’s Early Years Consultative Forum. This is another high-level meeting that discusses issues and new developments affecting the childcare sector. It also provides the opportunity for Ofsted to seek feedback from members on regulation and inspection developments and to share information which will help inform the sector of key changes in policy.

The OOSA Owners Forum meetings are the way in which we talk most with our members and feed into and back from these meetings. 

Want to have your voice heard? Join now to attend the next OOSA Owners Forum as a member.  If you're already a member please log in at the top of the page

If you have not yet joined the Out of School Alliance, you can sign-up today and start enjoying the benefits of membership (such as joining the Fourm events) right away.